Introducing new guinea pigs: How to
Introducing new guinea pigs can cause some conflict in the herd, Especially among males. I find females easier to introduce as long as there are not any babies around. Male cavies have a tendency to want to fight for the alpha position. There are step that can be taken to minimize political squabbles in your guinea pig herd.
Herd Health
Before you acquire a new addition to your herd, take note on the heath of your herd. If you have a guinea pig that is in pain the introduction may be more difficult. You may not want to put a young guinea pig with an adult that doesn’t want to be bothered. It is even more important to access and monitor the health of your new addition before letting them mingle.
Free Ranging Males
Free ranging your male guinea pigs is the easiest way to reduce the problems between them. Letting your male guinea pigs roam freely gives them plenty of space to get away from each other. Free ranging your female guinea pigs should be done very cautiously. Keeping the females in an enclosure will keep your free ranging males close by unless you have too many.
Choosing the Right Guinea Pig
If you plan on keeping your guinea pigs in an enclosure its important to pick the right guinea pig. Pairing older guinea pigs with younger ones tends to make curious and supporting relationships with guinea pigs. Avoid mixing more than male in with females even if they are neutered. Keeping a neutered male with your females can keep other males out of your female enclosure.
Neutral Ground
Introducing guinea pigs on in an area that is new will eliminate any territorial issues. This can also lead to a bonding experience between your cavies as they explore the new ground. Neutral ground is great stimulation for your herd.
Hidings and Space
When introducing new guinea pigs be sure to provide them with plenty of hidings and space to get away from each other. Consider having two or three hidings for each guinea pig. You may need to provide extra food and water if you see you guinea pigs not getting along.
I hope this article has helped you. If you would like to know more about outdoor hidings and shelters you can check out my article about Free Range Guinea Pig Shelters
As always you can follow along on Facebook!

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